I have learned the power of art therapy by watching a local artist go into an assisted living facility and teaching dementia residents to paint. Residents that I saw week after week that showed little to no expression, smiling and some even laughing at each other’s art. They had an art show in the lobby and all the friends and family came to see their work. It was one of the most powerful, positive experiences I have ever witnessed. It was the first time, for some of them years, that they had anything positive to share with their loved ones. Also, how art literally save John Bramblitt’s life after losing his sight at age 21 and considering suicide. He now is the most notable blind artist in the world with three Presidential Service Awards for his work giving classes in incubators similar to MAX.
The MAX board has strong leadership, are fiscally responsible, committed to the community as a whole, have a rock solid business plan and committed support from the City of Ocala and FAFO. I hope you will share my vision of the possibilities, and like me, put your support behind this incredibly positive organization.
HARRY BATTEN - MAX Supporter / Volunteer
While never working in the arts, other than being the 25th anniversary Mother Ginger in The Nutcracker, Harry has been a lifelong activist in the community. He has been everything from E-8 Master Sargent in the Florida National Guard, Licensed Optician, Licensed Body Wrapper, Licensed Insurance Adjuster, CEO for a distribution warehouse, Certified Building Contractor, Medical Account Executive. And now, after becoming legally blind, a full-time motivator. Past Board of Director for Professional Opticians of Florida, Leadership Ocala Youth, Historic Ocala Preservation Society.